Monday, 11 March 2019

How to Create Presigned URL for S3 by Raj Gupta

Create a role in which give EC2 full access to S3 then assign that role to EC2 during creation of EC2

[root@ip-172-31-82-249 ~]# sudo pip install --upgrade awscli ---this command is used to install awscli

[root@ip-172-31-82-249 ~]# aws s3 ls –this command is used to check all bucket

[root@ip-172-31-82-249 ~]# aws s3 mb s3://raj1987  -- this command is used to create a bucket

[root@ip-172-31-82-249 ~]# echo "Raj" > raj.txt   --this command is used to create a file and in this file copy the output of echo command

[root@ip-172-31-82-249 ~]# aws s3 cp raj.txt s3://raj1987 –this command to copy file from ec2 to s3

[root@ip-172-31-82-249 ~]# aws s3 ls s3://raj1987  --this command to check file copy or not

[root@ip-172-31-82-249 ~]# aws s3 presign s3://raj1987/raj.txt --expires-in 300

This command will give below presign URL to access private object for 300s                                                                                        ires=1551863679&x-amz-security-token=FQoGZXIvYXdzEHIaDAN4uVeuOZupqTsfkyK3Aw3myN3                                                                                        8nhQGgiH4ooe8NGR7ro0ehNE6ciF5nljp2OBDD7TLDRO08yVdKflNUwYVQadWTVSjHb%2BKWpvLJFHLn                                                                                        IGXeWAsiq2xGmCh%2Fhw%2FO2e8IaTOP6w8%2BShhk6IM2em69YEYzAR8nAWA5%2BntOaSWFnwgzocjw                                                                                        VKOOPUGxVtFVRMWqN2nMJ9vD78fgFEy5Tb5jnHJSNqvr8HkRGdLRLbbi2UFFrdE23DlSJIcWecbEmVJr                                                                                        ClYn02b1SQ%2FNISqRU4W0F%2BAzF3wzGrIExRLaUgDbaP4ui%2FDOSE3Wxti9JlE2Zmjja8Nt07ezHt                                                                                        deAHFNiA13WidzMnv1zjx5RyBXqoEUKm86Kq9CYmYkiYPO1D%2B%2BldZ1ek18J0ucZwj%2Bm9NCJ5x4                                                                                        FtDzIE96D8Fg6kBJE%2FFCCejrrrR9euEZMPreipDTK%2B6c4WN6zC8Loaek0RRbBrB6cOmtqRS95VYs                                                                                        hlmYVGGvCHGd8SNG7NTbAuZTp%2FILiq%2BO1MLOOsPfJJGNC88tXcKYKHTG%2BhKj%2FmA6ec5y5jZv                                                                                        C5yp6o2b2mLbcz2N27ArPJ3hgiqsAhn%2FQHsZLsRlecbyXuRs5rgP%2Fkov5j%2B4wU%3D&Signatur                                                                                        e=L1oQoh%2Bs5OjCBfegEEU5fn48i8g%3D

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