1. Create a role which has access to all ec2 server and attach it with ansible server(master)
2. Download ec2.py and ec2.ini files on master
[ansible@ip-172-31-80-19 ~]$ vi ec2.py
#!/usr/bin/env python ''' EC2 external inventory script ================================= Generates inventory that Ansible can understand by making API request to AWS EC2 using the Boto library. NOTE: This script assumes Ansible is being executed where the environment variables needed for Boto have already been set: export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='AK123' export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='abc123' Optional region environment variable if region is 'auto' This script also assumes that there is an ec2.ini file alongside it. To specify a different path to ec2.ini, define the EC2_INI_PATH environment variable: export EC2_INI_PATH=/path/to/my_ec2.ini If you're using eucalyptus you need to set the above variables and you need to define: export EC2_URL=http://hostname_of_your_cc:port/services/Eucalyptus If you're using boto profiles (requires boto>=2.24.0) you can choose a profile using the --boto-profile command line argument (e.g. ec2.py --boto-profile prod) or using the AWS_PROFILE variable: AWS_PROFILE=prod ansible-playbook -i ec2.py myplaybook.yml For more details, see: http://docs.pythonboto.org/en/latest/boto_config_tut.html You can filter for specific EC2 instances by creating an environment variable named EC2_INSTANCE_FILTERS, which has the same format as the instance_filters entry documented in ec2.ini. For example, to find all hosts whose name begins with 'webserver', one might use: export EC2_INSTANCE_FILTERS='tag:Name=webserver*' When run against a specific host, this script returns the following variables: - ec2_ami_launch_index - ec2_architecture - ec2_association - ec2_attachTime - ec2_attachment - ec2_attachmentId - ec2_block_devices - ec2_client_token - ec2_deleteOnTermination - ec2_description - ec2_deviceIndex - ec2_dns_name - ec2_eventsSet - ec2_group_name - ec2_hypervisor - ec2_id - ec2_image_id - ec2_instanceState - ec2_instance_type - ec2_ipOwnerId - ec2_ip_address - ec2_item - ec2_kernel - ec2_key_name - ec2_launch_time - ec2_monitored - ec2_monitoring - ec2_networkInterfaceId - ec2_ownerId - ec2_persistent - ec2_placement - ec2_platform - ec2_previous_state - ec2_private_dns_name - ec2_private_ip_address - ec2_publicIp - ec2_public_dns_name - ec2_ramdisk - ec2_reason - ec2_region - ec2_requester_id - ec2_root_device_name - ec2_root_device_type - ec2_security_group_ids - ec2_security_group_names - ec2_shutdown_state - ec2_sourceDestCheck - ec2_spot_instance_request_id - ec2_state - ec2_state_code - ec2_state_reason - ec2_status - ec2_subnet_id - ec2_tenancy - ec2_virtualization_type - ec2_vpc_id These variables are pulled out of a boto.ec2.instance object. There is a lack of consistency with variable spellings (camelCase and underscores) since this just loops through all variables the object exposes. It is preferred to use the ones with underscores when multiple exist. In addition, if an instance has AWS tags associated with it, each tag is a new variable named: - ec2_tag_[Key] = [Value] Security groups are comma-separated in 'ec2_security_group_ids' and 'ec2_security_group_names'. When destination_format and destination_format_tags are specified the destination_format can be built from the instance tags and attributes. The behavior will first check the user defined tags, then proceed to check instance attributes, and finally if neither are found 'nil' will be used instead. 'my_instance': { 'region': 'us-east-1', # attribute 'availability_zone': 'us-east-1a', # attribute 'private_dns_name': '', # attribute 'ec2_tag_deployment': 'blue', # tag 'ec2_tag_clusterid': 'ansible', # tag 'ec2_tag_Name': 'webserver', # tag ... } Inside of the ec2.ini file the following settings are specified: ... destination_format: {0}-{1}-{2}-{3} destination_format_tags: Name,clusterid,deployment,private_dns_name ... These settings would produce a destination_format as the following: 'webserver-ansible-blue-' ''' # (c) 2012, Peter Sankauskas # # This file is part of Ansible, # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ###################################################################### import sys import os import argparse import re from time import time from copy import deepcopy from datetime import date, datetime import boto from boto import ec2 from boto import rds from boto import elasticache from boto import route53 from boto import sts from ansible.module_utils import six from ansible.module_utils import ec2 as ec2_utils from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import configparser HAS_BOTO3 = False try: import boto3 # noqa HAS_BOTO3 = True except ImportError: pass from collections import defaultdict import json DEFAULTS = { 'all_elasticache_clusters': 'False', 'all_elasticache_nodes': 'False', 'all_elasticache_replication_groups': 'False', 'all_instances': 'False', 'all_rds_instances': 'False', 'aws_access_key_id': '', 'aws_secret_access_key': '', 'aws_security_token': '', 'boto_profile': '', 'cache_max_age': '300', 'cache_path': '~/.ansible/tmp', 'destination_variable': 'public_dns_name', 'elasticache': 'True', 'eucalyptus': 'False', 'eucalyptus_host': '', 'expand_csv_tags': 'False', 'group_by_ami_id': 'True', 'group_by_availability_zone': 'True', 'group_by_aws_account': 'False', 'group_by_elasticache_cluster': 'True', 'group_by_elasticache_engine': 'True', 'group_by_elasticache_parameter_group': 'True', 'group_by_elasticache_replication_group': 'True', 'group_by_instance_id': 'True', 'group_by_instance_state': 'False', 'group_by_instance_type': 'True', 'group_by_key_pair': 'True', 'group_by_platform': 'True', 'group_by_rds_engine': 'True', 'group_by_rds_parameter_group': 'True', 'group_by_region': 'True', 'group_by_route53_names': 'True', 'group_by_security_group': 'True', 'group_by_tag_keys': 'True', 'group_by_tag_none': 'True', 'group_by_vpc_id': 'True', 'hostname_variable': '', 'iam_role': '', 'include_rds_clusters': 'False', 'nested_groups': 'False', 'pattern_exclude': '', 'pattern_include': '', 'rds': 'False', 'regions': 'all', 'regions_exclude': 'us-gov-west-1, cn-north-1', 'replace_dash_in_groups': 'True', 'route53': 'False', 'route53_excluded_zones': '', 'route53_hostnames': '', 'stack_filters': 'False', 'vpc_destination_variable': 'ip_address' } class Ec2Inventory(object): def _empty_inventory(self): return {"_meta": {"hostvars": {}}} def _json_serial(self, obj): """JSON serializer for objects not serializable by default json code""" if isinstance(obj, (datetime, date)): return obj.isoformat() raise TypeError("Type %s not serializable" % type(obj)) def __init__(self): ''' Main execution path ''' # Inventory grouped by instance IDs, tags, security groups, regions, # and availability zones self.inventory = self._empty_inventory() self.aws_account_id = None # Index of hostname (address) to instance ID self.index = {} # Boto profile to use (if any) self.boto_profile = None # AWS credentials. self.credentials = {} # Read settings and parse CLI arguments self.parse_cli_args() self.read_settings() # Make sure that profile_name is not passed at all if not set # as pre 2.24 boto will fall over otherwise if self.boto_profile: if not hasattr(boto.ec2.EC2Connection, 'profile_name'): self.fail_with_error("boto version must be >= 2.24 to use profile") # Cache if self.args.refresh_cache: self.do_api_calls_update_cache() elif not self.is_cache_valid(): self.do_api_calls_update_cache() # Data to print if self.args.host: data_to_print = self.get_host_info() elif self.args.list: # Display list of instances for inventory if self.inventory == self._empty_inventory(): data_to_print = self.get_inventory_from_cache() else: data_to_print = self.json_format_dict(self.inventory, True) print(data_to_print) def is_cache_valid(self): ''' Determines if the cache files have expired, or if it is still valid ''' if os.path.isfile(self.cache_path_cache): mod_time = os.path.getmtime(self.cache_path_cache) current_time = time() if (mod_time + self.cache_max_age) > current_time: if os.path.isfile(self.cache_path_index): return True return False def read_settings(self): ''' Reads the settings from the ec2.ini file ''' scriptbasename = __file__ scriptbasename = os.path.basename(scriptbasename) scriptbasename = scriptbasename.replace('.py', '') defaults = { 'ec2': { 'ini_fallback': os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'ec2.ini'), 'ini_path': os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '%s.ini' % scriptbasename) } } if six.PY3: config = configparser.ConfigParser(DEFAULTS) else: config = configparser.SafeConfigParser(DEFAULTS) ec2_ini_path = os.environ.get('EC2_INI_PATH', defaults['ec2']['ini_path']) ec2_ini_path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(ec2_ini_path)) if not os.path.isfile(ec2_ini_path): ec2_ini_path = os.path.expanduser(defaults['ec2']['ini_fallback']) if os.path.isfile(ec2_ini_path): config.read(ec2_ini_path) # Add empty sections if they don't exist try: config.add_section('ec2') except configparser.DuplicateSectionError: pass try: config.add_section('credentials') except configparser.DuplicateSectionError: pass # is eucalyptus? self.eucalyptus = config.getboolean('ec2', 'eucalyptus') self.eucalyptus_host = config.get('ec2', 'eucalyptus_host') # Regions self.regions = [] config_regions = config.get('ec2', 'regions') if (config_regions == 'all'): if self.eucalyptus_host: self.regions.append(boto.connect_euca(host=self.eucalyptus_host).region.name, **self.credentials) else: config_regions_exclude = config.get('ec2', 'regions_exclude') for region_info in ec2.regions(): if region_info.name not in config_regions_exclude: self.regions.append(region_info.name) else: self.regions = config_regions.split(",") if 'auto' in self.regions: env_region = os.environ.get('AWS_REGION') if env_region is None: env_region = os.environ.get('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION') self.regions = [env_region] # Destination addresses self.destination_variable = config.get('ec2', 'destination_variable') self.vpc_destination_variable = config.get('ec2', 'vpc_destination_variable') self.hostname_variable = config.get('ec2', 'hostname_variable') if config.has_option('ec2', 'destination_format') and \ config.has_option('ec2', 'destination_format_tags'): self.destination_format = config.get('ec2', 'destination_format') self.destination_format_tags = config.get('ec2', 'destination_format_tags').split(',') else: self.destination_format = None self.destination_format_tags = None # Route53 self.route53_enabled = config.getboolean('ec2', 'route53') self.route53_hostnames = config.get('ec2', 'route53_hostnames') self.route53_excluded_zones = [] self.route53_excluded_zones = [a for a in config.get('ec2', 'route53_excluded_zones').split(',') if a] # Include RDS instances? self.rds_enabled = config.getboolean('ec2', 'rds') # Include RDS cluster instances? self.include_rds_clusters = config.getboolean('ec2', 'include_rds_clusters') # Include ElastiCache instances? self.elasticache_enabled = config.getboolean('ec2', 'elasticache') # Return all EC2 instances? self.all_instances = config.getboolean('ec2', 'all_instances') # Instance states to be gathered in inventory. Default is 'running'. # Setting 'all_instances' to 'yes' overrides this option. ec2_valid_instance_states = [ 'pending', 'running', 'shutting-down', 'terminated', 'stopping', 'stopped' ] self.ec2_instance_states = [] if self.all_instances: self.ec2_instance_states = ec2_valid_instance_states elif config.has_option('ec2', 'instance_states'): for instance_state in config.get('ec2', 'instance_states').split(','): instance_state = instance_state.strip() if instance_state not in ec2_valid_instance_states: continue self.ec2_instance_states.append(instance_state) else: self.ec2_instance_states = ['running'] # Return all RDS instances? (if RDS is enabled) self.all_rds_instances = config.getboolean('ec2', 'all_rds_instances') # Return all ElastiCache replication groups? (if ElastiCache is enabled) self.all_elasticache_replication_groups = config.getboolean('ec2', 'all_elasticache_replication_groups') # Return all ElastiCache clusters? (if ElastiCache is enabled) self.all_elasticache_clusters = config.getboolean('ec2', 'all_elasticache_clusters') # Return all ElastiCache nodes? (if ElastiCache is enabled) self.all_elasticache_nodes = config.getboolean('ec2', 'all_elasticache_nodes') # boto configuration profile (prefer CLI argument then environment variables then config file) self.boto_profile = self.args.boto_profile or \ os.environ.get('AWS_PROFILE') or \ config.get('ec2', 'boto_profile') # AWS credentials (prefer environment variables) if not (self.boto_profile or os.environ.get('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID') or os.environ.get('AWS_PROFILE')): aws_access_key_id = config.get('credentials', 'aws_access_key_id') aws_secret_access_key = config.get('credentials', 'aws_secret_access_key') aws_security_token = config.get('credentials', 'aws_security_token') if aws_access_key_id: self.credentials = { 'aws_access_key_id': aws_access_key_id, 'aws_secret_access_key': aws_secret_access_key } if aws_security_token: self.credentials['security_token'] = aws_security_token # Cache related cache_dir = os.path.expanduser(config.get('ec2', 'cache_path')) if self.boto_profile: cache_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, 'profile_' + self.boto_profile) if not os.path.exists(cache_dir): os.makedirs(cache_dir) cache_name = 'ansible-ec2' cache_id = self.boto_profile or os.environ.get('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', self.credentials.get('aws_access_key_id')) if cache_id: cache_name = '%s-%s' % (cache_name, cache_id) cache_name += '-' + str(abs(hash(__file__)))[1:7] self.cache_path_cache = os.path.join(cache_dir, "%s.cache" % cache_name) self.cache_path_index = os.path.join(cache_dir, "%s.index" % cache_name) self.cache_max_age = config.getint('ec2', 'cache_max_age') self.expand_csv_tags = config.getboolean('ec2', 'expand_csv_tags') # Configure nested groups instead of flat namespace. self.nested_groups = config.getboolean('ec2', 'nested_groups') # Replace dash or not in group names self.replace_dash_in_groups = config.getboolean('ec2', 'replace_dash_in_groups') # IAM role to assume for connection self.iam_role = config.get('ec2', 'iam_role') # Configure which groups should be created. group_by_options = [a for a in DEFAULTS if a.startswith('group_by')] for option in group_by_options: setattr(self, option, config.getboolean('ec2', option)) # Do we need to just include hosts that match a pattern? self.pattern_include = config.get('ec2', 'pattern_include') if self.pattern_include: self.pattern_include = re.compile(self.pattern_include) # Do we need to exclude hosts that match a pattern? self.pattern_exclude = config.get('ec2', 'pattern_exclude') if self.pattern_exclude: self.pattern_exclude = re.compile(self.pattern_exclude) # Do we want to stack multiple filters? self.stack_filters = config.getboolean('ec2', 'stack_filters') # Instance filters (see boto and EC2 API docs). Ignore invalid filters. self.ec2_instance_filters = [] if config.has_option('ec2', 'instance_filters') or 'EC2_INSTANCE_FILTERS' in os.environ: filters = os.getenv('EC2_INSTANCE_FILTERS', config.get('ec2', 'instance_filters') if config.has_option('ec2', 'instance_filters') else '') if self.stack_filters and '&' in filters: self.fail_with_error("AND filters along with stack_filter enabled is not supported.\n") filter_sets = [f for f in filters.split(',') if f] for filter_set in filter_sets: filters = {} filter_set = filter_set.strip() for instance_filter in filter_set.split("&"): instance_filter = instance_filter.strip() if not instance_filter or '=' not in instance_filter: continue filter_key, filter_value = [x.strip() for x in instance_filter.split('=', 1)] if not filter_key: continue filters[filter_key] = filter_value self.ec2_instance_filters.append(filters.copy()) def parse_cli_args(self): ''' Command line argument processing ''' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Produce an Ansible Inventory file based on EC2') parser.add_argument('--list', action='store_true', default=True, help='List instances (default: True)') parser.add_argument('--host', action='store', help='Get all the variables about a specific instance') parser.add_argument('--refresh-cache', action='store_true', default=False, help='Force refresh of cache by making API requests to EC2 (default: False - use cache files)') parser.add_argument('--profile', '--boto-profile', action='store', dest='boto_profile', help='Use boto profile for connections to EC2') self.args = parser.parse_args() def do_api_calls_update_cache(self): ''' Do API calls to each region, and save data in cache files ''' if self.route53_enabled: self.get_route53_records() for region in self.regions: self.get_instances_by_region(region) if self.rds_enabled: self.get_rds_instances_by_region(region) if self.elasticache_enabled: self.get_elasticache_clusters_by_region(region) self.get_elasticache_replication_groups_by_region(region) if self.include_rds_clusters: self.include_rds_clusters_by_region(region) self.write_to_cache(self.inventory, self.cache_path_cache) self.write_to_cache(self.index, self.cache_path_index) def connect(self, region): ''' create connection to api server''' if self.eucalyptus: conn = boto.connect_euca(host=self.eucalyptus_host, **self.credentials) conn.APIVersion = '2010-08-31' else: conn = self.connect_to_aws(ec2, region) return conn def boto_fix_security_token_in_profile(self, connect_args): ''' monkey patch for boto issue boto/boto#2100 ''' profile = 'profile ' + self.boto_profile if boto.config.has_option(profile, 'aws_security_token'): connect_args['security_token'] = boto.config.get(profile, 'aws_security_token') return connect_args def connect_to_aws(self, module, region): connect_args = deepcopy(self.credentials) # only pass the profile name if it's set (as it is not supported by older boto versions) if self.boto_profile: connect_args['profile_name'] = self.boto_profile self.boto_fix_security_token_in_profile(connect_args) elif os.environ.get('AWS_SESSION_TOKEN'): connect_args['security_token'] = os.environ.get('AWS_SESSION_TOKEN') if self.iam_role: sts_conn = sts.connect_to_region(region, **connect_args) role = sts_conn.assume_role(self.iam_role, 'ansible_dynamic_inventory') connect_args['aws_access_key_id'] = role.credentials.access_key connect_args['aws_secret_access_key'] = role.credentials.secret_key connect_args['security_token'] = role.credentials.session_token conn = module.connect_to_region(region, **connect_args) # connect_to_region will fail "silently" by returning None if the region name is wrong or not supported if conn is None: self.fail_with_error("region name: %s likely not supported, or AWS is down. connection to region failed." % region) return conn def get_instances_by_region(self, region): ''' Makes an AWS EC2 API call to the list of instances in a particular region ''' try: conn = self.connect(region) reservations = [] if self.ec2_instance_filters: if self.stack_filters: filters_dict = {} for filters in self.ec2_instance_filters: filters_dict.update(filters) reservations.extend(conn.get_all_instances(filters=filters_dict)) else: for filters in self.ec2_instance_filters: reservations.extend(conn.get_all_instances(filters=filters)) else: reservations = conn.get_all_instances() # Pull the tags back in a second step # AWS are on record as saying that the tags fetched in the first `get_all_instances` request are not # reliable and may be missing, and the only way to guarantee they are there is by calling `get_all_tags` instance_ids = [] for reservation in reservations: instance_ids.extend([instance.id for instance in reservation.instances]) max_filter_value = 199 tags = [] for i in range(0, len(instance_ids), max_filter_value): tags.extend(conn.get_all_tags(filters={'resource-type': 'instance', 'resource-id': instance_ids[i:i + max_filter_value]})) tags_by_instance_id = defaultdict(dict) for tag in tags: tags_by_instance_id[tag.res_id][tag.name] = tag.value if (not self.aws_account_id) and reservations: self.aws_account_id = reservations[0].owner_id for reservation in reservations: for instance in reservation.instances: instance.tags = tags_by_instance_id[instance.id] self.add_instance(instance, region) except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e: if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure': error = self.get_auth_error_message() else: backend = 'Eucalyptus' if self.eucalyptus else 'AWS' error = "Error connecting to %s backend.\n%s" % (backend, e.message) self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting EC2 instances') def tags_match_filters(self, tags): ''' return True if given tags match configured filters ''' if not self.ec2_instance_filters: return True for filters in self.ec2_instance_filters: for filter_name, filter_value in filters.items(): if filter_name[:4] != 'tag:': continue filter_name = filter_name[4:] if filter_name not in tags: if self.stack_filters: return False continue if isinstance(filter_value, list): if self.stack_filters and tags[filter_name] not in filter_value: return False if not self.stack_filters and tags[filter_name] in filter_value: return True if isinstance(filter_value, six.string_types): if self.stack_filters and tags[filter_name] != filter_value: return False if not self.stack_filters and tags[filter_name] == filter_value: return True return self.stack_filters def get_rds_instances_by_region(self, region): ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of RDS instances in a particular region ''' if not HAS_BOTO3: self.fail_with_error("Working with RDS instances requires boto3 - please install boto3 and try again", "getting RDS instances") client = ec2_utils.boto3_inventory_conn('client', 'rds', region, **self.credentials) db_instances = client.describe_db_instances() try: conn = self.connect_to_aws(rds, region) if conn: marker = None while True: instances = conn.get_all_dbinstances(marker=marker) marker = instances.marker for index, instance in enumerate(instances): # Add tags to instances. instance.arn = db_instances['DBInstances'][index]['DBInstanceArn'] tags = client.list_tags_for_resource(ResourceName=instance.arn)['TagList'] instance.tags = {} for tag in tags: instance.tags[tag['Key']] = tag['Value'] if self.tags_match_filters(instance.tags): self.add_rds_instance(instance, region) if not marker: break except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e: error = e.reason if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure': error = self.get_auth_error_message() elif e.error_code == "OptInRequired": error = "RDS hasn't been enabled for this account yet. " \ "You must either log in to the RDS service through the AWS console to enable it, " \ "or set 'rds = False' in ec2.ini" elif not e.reason == "Forbidden": error = "Looks like AWS RDS is down:\n%s" % e.message self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting RDS instances') def include_rds_clusters_by_region(self, region): if not HAS_BOTO3: self.fail_with_error("Working with RDS clusters requires boto3 - please install boto3 and try again", "getting RDS clusters") client = ec2_utils.boto3_inventory_conn('client', 'rds', region, **self.credentials) marker, clusters = '', [] while marker is not None: resp = client.describe_db_clusters(Marker=marker) clusters.extend(resp["DBClusters"]) marker = resp.get('Marker', None) account_id = boto.connect_iam().get_user().arn.split(':')[4] c_dict = {} for c in clusters: if not self.ec2_instance_filters: matches_filter = True else: matches_filter = False try: # arn:aws:rds:<region>:<account number>:<resourcetype>:<name> tags = client.list_tags_for_resource( ResourceName='arn:aws:rds:' + region + ':' + account_id + ':cluster:' + c['DBClusterIdentifier']) c['Tags'] = tags['TagList'] if self.ec2_instance_filters: for filters in self.ec2_instance_filters: for filter_key, filter_values in filters.items(): # get AWS tag key e.g. tag:env will be 'env' tag_name = filter_key.split(":", 1)[1] # Filter values is a list (if you put multiple values for the same tag name) matches_filter = any(d['Key'] == tag_name and d['Value'] in filter_values for d in c['Tags']) if matches_filter: # it matches a filter, so stop looking for further matches break if matches_filter: break except Exception as e: if e.message.find('DBInstanceNotFound') >= 0: # AWS RDS bug (2016-01-06) means deletion does not fully complete and leave an 'empty' cluster. # Ignore errors when trying to find tags for these pass # ignore empty clusters caused by AWS bug if len(c['DBClusterMembers']) == 0: continue elif matches_filter: c_dict[c['DBClusterIdentifier']] = c self.inventory['db_clusters'] = c_dict def get_elasticache_clusters_by_region(self, region): ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache clusters (with nodes' info) in a particular region.''' # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_instances method, # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by # the shorthand method anyway...) clusters = [] try: conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region) if conn: # show_cache_node_info = True # because we also want nodes' information _marker = 1 while _marker: if _marker == 1: _marker = None response = conn.describe_cache_clusters(None, None, _marker, True) _marker = response['DescribeCacheClustersResponse']['DescribeCacheClustersResult']['Marker'] try: # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to CacheClusters or # CacheNodes. Because of that we can't make use of the get_list # method in the AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually clusters = clusters + response['DescribeCacheClustersResponse']['DescribeCacheClustersResult']['CacheClusters'] except KeyError as e: error = "ElastiCache query to AWS failed (unexpected format)." self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters') except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e: error = e.reason if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure': error = self.get_auth_error_message() elif e.error_code == "OptInRequired": error = "ElastiCache hasn't been enabled for this account yet. " \ "You must either log in to the ElastiCache service through the AWS console to enable it, " \ "or set 'elasticache = False' in ec2.ini" elif not e.reason == "Forbidden": error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache is down:\n%s" % e.message self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters') for cluster in clusters: self.add_elasticache_cluster(cluster, region) def get_elasticache_replication_groups_by_region(self, region): ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache replication groups in a particular region.''' # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_instances method, # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by # the shorthand method anyway...) try: conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region) if conn: response = conn.describe_replication_groups() except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e: error = e.reason if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure': error = self.get_auth_error_message() if not e.reason == "Forbidden": error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache [Replication Groups] is down:\n%s" % e.message self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters') try: # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to ReplicationGroups # Because of that we can't make use of the get_list method in the # AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually replication_groups = response['DescribeReplicationGroupsResponse']['DescribeReplicationGroupsResult']['ReplicationGroups'] except KeyError as e: error = "ElastiCache [Replication Groups] query to AWS failed (unexpected format)." self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters') for replication_group in replication_groups: self.add_elasticache_replication_group(replication_group, region) def get_auth_error_message(self): ''' create an informative error message if there is an issue authenticating''' errors = ["Authentication error retrieving ec2 inventory."] if None in [os.environ.get('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'), os.environ.get('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY')]: errors.append(' - No AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID or AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment vars found') else: errors.append(' - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment vars found but may not be correct') boto_paths = ['/etc/boto.cfg', '~/.boto', '~/.aws/credentials'] boto_config_found = [p for p in boto_paths if os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser(p))] if len(boto_config_found) > 0: errors.append(" - Boto configs found at '%s', but the credentials contained may not be correct" % ', '.join(boto_config_found)) else: errors.append(" - No Boto config found at any expected location '%s'" % ', '.join(boto_paths)) return '\n'.join(errors) def fail_with_error(self, err_msg, err_operation=None): '''log an error to std err for ansible-playbook to consume and exit''' if err_operation: err_msg = 'ERROR: "{err_msg}", while: {err_operation}'.format( err_msg=err_msg, err_operation=err_operation) sys.stderr.write(err_msg) sys.exit(1) def get_instance(self, region, instance_id): conn = self.connect(region) reservations = conn.get_all_instances([instance_id]) for reservation in reservations: for instance in reservation.instances: return instance def add_instance(self, instance, region): ''' Adds an instance to the inventory and index, as long as it is addressable ''' # Only return instances with desired instance states if instance.state not in self.ec2_instance_states: return # Select the best destination address # When destination_format and destination_format_tags are specified # the following code will attempt to find the instance tags first, # then the instance attributes next, and finally if neither are found # assign nil for the desired destination format attribute. if self.destination_format and self.destination_format_tags: dest_vars = [] inst_tags = getattr(instance, 'tags') for tag in self.destination_format_tags: if tag in inst_tags: dest_vars.append(inst_tags[tag]) elif hasattr(instance, tag): dest_vars.append(getattr(instance, tag)) else: dest_vars.append('nil') dest = self.destination_format.format(*dest_vars) elif instance.subnet_id: dest = getattr(instance, self.vpc_destination_variable, None) if dest is None: dest = getattr(instance, 'tags').get(self.vpc_destination_variable, None) else: dest = getattr(instance, self.destination_variable, None) if dest is None: dest = getattr(instance, 'tags').get(self.destination_variable, None) if not dest: # Skip instances we cannot address (e.g. private VPC subnet) return # Set the inventory name hostname = None if self.hostname_variable: if self.hostname_variable.startswith('tag_'): hostname = instance.tags.get(self.hostname_variable[4:], None) else: hostname = getattr(instance, self.hostname_variable) # set the hostname from route53 if self.route53_enabled and self.route53_hostnames: route53_names = self.get_instance_route53_names(instance) for name in route53_names: if name.endswith(self.route53_hostnames): hostname = name # If we can't get a nice hostname, use the destination address if not hostname: hostname = dest # to_safe strips hostname characters like dots, so don't strip route53 hostnames elif self.route53_enabled and self.route53_hostnames and hostname.endswith(self.route53_hostnames): hostname = hostname.lower() else: hostname = self.to_safe(hostname).lower() # if we only want to include hosts that match a pattern, skip those that don't if self.pattern_include and not self.pattern_include.match(hostname): return # if we need to exclude hosts that match a pattern, skip those if self.pattern_exclude and self.pattern_exclude.match(hostname): return # Add to index self.index[hostname] = [region, instance.id] # Inventory: Group by instance ID (always a group of 1) if self.group_by_instance_id: self.inventory[instance.id] = [hostname] if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'instances', instance.id) # Inventory: Group by region if self.group_by_region: self.push(self.inventory, region, hostname) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'regions', region) # Inventory: Group by availability zone if self.group_by_availability_zone: self.push(self.inventory, instance.placement, hostname) if self.nested_groups: if self.group_by_region: self.push_group(self.inventory, region, instance.placement) self.push_group(self.inventory, 'zones', instance.placement) # Inventory: Group by Amazon Machine Image (AMI) ID if self.group_by_ami_id: ami_id = self.to_safe(instance.image_id) self.push(self.inventory, ami_id, hostname) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'images', ami_id) # Inventory: Group by instance type if self.group_by_instance_type: type_name = self.to_safe('type_' + instance.instance_type) self.push(self.inventory, type_name, hostname) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'types', type_name) # Inventory: Group by instance state if self.group_by_instance_state: state_name = self.to_safe('instance_state_' + instance.state) self.push(self.inventory, state_name, hostname) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'instance_states', state_name) # Inventory: Group by platform if self.group_by_platform: if instance.platform: platform = self.to_safe('platform_' + instance.platform) else: platform = self.to_safe('platform_undefined') self.push(self.inventory, platform, hostname) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'platforms', platform) # Inventory: Group by key pair if self.group_by_key_pair and instance.key_name: key_name = self.to_safe('key_' + instance.key_name) self.push(self.inventory, key_name, hostname) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'keys', key_name) # Inventory: Group by VPC if self.group_by_vpc_id and instance.vpc_id: vpc_id_name = self.to_safe('vpc_id_' + instance.vpc_id) self.push(self.inventory, vpc_id_name, hostname) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'vpcs', vpc_id_name) # Inventory: Group by security group if self.group_by_security_group: try: for group in instance.groups: key = self.to_safe("security_group_" + group.name) self.push(self.inventory, key, hostname) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'security_groups', key) except AttributeError: self.fail_with_error('\n'.join(['Package boto seems a bit older.', 'Please upgrade boto >= 2.3.0.'])) # Inventory: Group by AWS account ID if self.group_by_aws_account: self.push(self.inventory, self.aws_account_id, hostname) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'accounts', self.aws_account_id) # Inventory: Group by tag keys if self.group_by_tag_keys: for k, v in instance.tags.items(): if self.expand_csv_tags and v and ',' in v: values = map(lambda x: x.strip(), v.split(',')) else: values = [v] for v in values: if v: key = self.to_safe("tag_" + k + "=" + v) else: key = self.to_safe("tag_" + k) self.push(self.inventory, key, hostname) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'tags', self.to_safe("tag_" + k)) if v: self.push_group(self.inventory, self.to_safe("tag_" + k), key) # Inventory: Group by Route53 domain names if enabled if self.route53_enabled and self.group_by_route53_names: route53_names = self.get_instance_route53_names(instance) for name in route53_names: self.push(self.inventory, name, hostname) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'route53', name) # Global Tag: instances without tags if self.group_by_tag_none and len(instance.tags) == 0: self.push(self.inventory, 'tag_none', hostname) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'tags', 'tag_none') # Global Tag: tag all EC2 instances self.push(self.inventory, 'ec2', hostname) self.inventory["_meta"]["hostvars"][hostname] = self.get_host_info_dict_from_instance(instance) self.inventory["_meta"]["hostvars"][hostname]['ansible_host'] = dest def add_rds_instance(self, instance, region): ''' Adds an RDS instance to the inventory and index, as long as it is addressable ''' # Only want available instances unless all_rds_instances is True if not self.all_rds_instances and instance.status != 'available': return # Select the best destination address dest = instance.endpoint[0] if not dest: # Skip instances we cannot address (e.g. private VPC subnet) return # Set the inventory name hostname = None if self.hostname_variable: if self.hostname_variable.startswith('tag_'): hostname = instance.tags.get(self.hostname_variable[4:], None) else: hostname = getattr(instance, self.hostname_variable) # If we can't get a nice hostname, use the destination address if not hostname: hostname = dest hostname = self.to_safe(hostname).lower() # Add to index self.index[hostname] = [region, instance.id] # Inventory: Group by instance ID (always a group of 1) if self.group_by_instance_id: self.inventory[instance.id] = [hostname] if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'instances', instance.id) # Inventory: Group by region if self.group_by_region: self.push(self.inventory, region, hostname) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'regions', region) # Inventory: Group by availability zone if self.group_by_availability_zone: self.push(self.inventory, instance.availability_zone, hostname) if self.nested_groups: if self.group_by_region: self.push_group(self.inventory, region, instance.availability_zone) self.push_group(self.inventory, 'zones', instance.availability_zone) # Inventory: Group by instance type if self.group_by_instance_type: type_name = self.to_safe('type_' + instance.instance_class) self.push(self.inventory, type_name, hostname) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'types', type_name) # Inventory: Group by VPC if self.group_by_vpc_id and instance.subnet_group and instance.subnet_group.vpc_id: vpc_id_name = self.to_safe('vpc_id_' + instance.subnet_group.vpc_id) self.push(self.inventory, vpc_id_name, hostname) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'vpcs', vpc_id_name) # Inventory: Group by security group if self.group_by_security_group: try: if instance.security_group: key = self.to_safe("security_group_" + instance.security_group.name) self.push(self.inventory, key, hostname) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'security_groups', key) except AttributeError: self.fail_with_error('\n'.join(['Package boto seems a bit older.', 'Please upgrade boto >= 2.3.0.'])) # Inventory: Group by tag keys if self.group_by_tag_keys: for k, v in instance.tags.items(): if self.expand_csv_tags and v and ',' in v: values = map(lambda x: x.strip(), v.split(',')) else: values = [v] for v in values: if v: key = self.to_safe("tag_" + k + "=" + v) else: key = self.to_safe("tag_" + k) self.push(self.inventory, key, hostname) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'tags', self.to_safe("tag_" + k)) if v: self.push_group(self.inventory, self.to_safe("tag_" + k), key) # Inventory: Group by engine if self.group_by_rds_engine: self.push(self.inventory, self.to_safe("rds_" + instance.engine), hostname) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'rds_engines', self.to_safe("rds_" + instance.engine)) # Inventory: Group by parameter group if self.group_by_rds_parameter_group: self.push(self.inventory, self.to_safe("rds_parameter_group_" + instance.parameter_group.name), hostname) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'rds_parameter_groups', self.to_safe("rds_parameter_group_" + instance.parameter_group.name)) # Global Tag: instances without tags if self.group_by_tag_none and len(instance.tags) == 0: self.push(self.inventory, 'tag_none', hostname) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'tags', 'tag_none') # Global Tag: all RDS instances self.push(self.inventory, 'rds', hostname) self.inventory["_meta"]["hostvars"][hostname] = self.get_host_info_dict_from_instance(instance) self.inventory["_meta"]["hostvars"][hostname]['ansible_host'] = dest def add_elasticache_cluster(self, cluster, region): ''' Adds an ElastiCache cluster to the inventory and index, as long as it's nodes are addressable ''' # Only want available clusters unless all_elasticache_clusters is True if not self.all_elasticache_clusters and cluster['CacheClusterStatus'] != 'available': return # Select the best destination address if 'ConfigurationEndpoint' in cluster and cluster['ConfigurationEndpoint']: # Memcached cluster dest = cluster['ConfigurationEndpoint']['Address'] is_redis = False else: # Redis sigle node cluster # Because all Redis clusters are single nodes, we'll merge the # info from the cluster with info about the node dest = cluster['CacheNodes'][0]['Endpoint']['Address'] is_redis = True if not dest: # Skip clusters we cannot address (e.g. private VPC subnet) return # Add to index self.index[dest] = [region, cluster['CacheClusterId']] # Inventory: Group by instance ID (always a group of 1) if self.group_by_instance_id: self.inventory[cluster['CacheClusterId']] = [dest] if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'instances', cluster['CacheClusterId']) # Inventory: Group by region if self.group_by_region and not is_redis: self.push(self.inventory, region, dest) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'regions', region) # Inventory: Group by availability zone if self.group_by_availability_zone and not is_redis: self.push(self.inventory, cluster['PreferredAvailabilityZone'], dest) if self.nested_groups: if self.group_by_region: self.push_group(self.inventory, region, cluster['PreferredAvailabilityZone']) self.push_group(self.inventory, 'zones', cluster['PreferredAvailabilityZone']) # Inventory: Group by node type if self.group_by_instance_type and not is_redis: type_name = self.to_safe('type_' + cluster['CacheNodeType']) self.push(self.inventory, type_name, dest) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'types', type_name) # Inventory: Group by VPC (information not available in the current # AWS API version for ElastiCache) # Inventory: Group by security group if self.group_by_security_group and not is_redis: # Check for the existence of the 'SecurityGroups' key and also if # this key has some value. When the cluster is not placed in a SG # the query can return None here and cause an error. if 'SecurityGroups' in cluster and cluster['SecurityGroups'] is not None: for security_group in cluster['SecurityGroups']: key = self.to_safe("security_group_" + security_group['SecurityGroupId']) self.push(self.inventory, key, dest) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'security_groups', key) # Inventory: Group by engine if self.group_by_elasticache_engine and not is_redis: self.push(self.inventory, self.to_safe("elasticache_" + cluster['Engine']), dest) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'elasticache_engines', self.to_safe(cluster['Engine'])) # Inventory: Group by parameter group if self.group_by_elasticache_parameter_group: self.push(self.inventory, self.to_safe("elasticache_parameter_group_" + cluster['CacheParameterGroup']['CacheParameterGroupName']), dest) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'elasticache_parameter_groups', self.to_safe(cluster['CacheParameterGroup']['CacheParameterGroupName'])) # Inventory: Group by replication group if self.group_by_elasticache_replication_group and 'ReplicationGroupId' in cluster and cluster['ReplicationGroupId']: self.push(self.inventory, self.to_safe("elasticache_replication_group_" + cluster['ReplicationGroupId']), dest) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'elasticache_replication_groups', self.to_safe(cluster['ReplicationGroupId'])) # Global Tag: all ElastiCache clusters self.push(self.inventory, 'elasticache_clusters', cluster['CacheClusterId']) host_info = self.get_host_info_dict_from_describe_dict(cluster) self.inventory["_meta"]["hostvars"][dest] = host_info # Add the nodes for node in cluster['CacheNodes']: self.add_elasticache_node(node, cluster, region) def add_elasticache_node(self, node, cluster, region): ''' Adds an ElastiCache node to the inventory and index, as long as it is addressable ''' # Only want available nodes unless all_elasticache_nodes is True if not self.all_elasticache_nodes and node['CacheNodeStatus'] != 'available': return # Select the best destination address dest = node['Endpoint']['Address'] if not dest: # Skip nodes we cannot address (e.g. private VPC subnet) return node_id = self.to_safe(cluster['CacheClusterId'] + '_' + node['CacheNodeId']) # Add to index self.index[dest] = [region, node_id] # Inventory: Group by node ID (always a group of 1) if self.group_by_instance_id: self.inventory[node_id] = [dest] if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'instances', node_id) # Inventory: Group by region if self.group_by_region: self.push(self.inventory, region, dest) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'regions', region) # Inventory: Group by availability zone if self.group_by_availability_zone: self.push(self.inventory, cluster['PreferredAvailabilityZone'], dest) if self.nested_groups: if self.group_by_region: self.push_group(self.inventory, region, cluster['PreferredAvailabilityZone']) self.push_group(self.inventory, 'zones', cluster['PreferredAvailabilityZone']) # Inventory: Group by node type if self.group_by_instance_type: type_name = self.to_safe('type_' + cluster['CacheNodeType']) self.push(self.inventory, type_name, dest) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'types', type_name) # Inventory: Group by VPC (information not available in the current # AWS API version for ElastiCache) # Inventory: Group by security group if self.group_by_security_group: # Check for the existence of the 'SecurityGroups' key and also if # this key has some value. When the cluster is not placed in a SG # the query can return None here and cause an error. if 'SecurityGroups' in cluster and cluster['SecurityGroups'] is not None: for security_group in cluster['SecurityGroups']: key = self.to_safe("security_group_" + security_group['SecurityGroupId']) self.push(self.inventory, key, dest) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'security_groups', key) # Inventory: Group by engine if self.group_by_elasticache_engine: self.push(self.inventory, self.to_safe("elasticache_" + cluster['Engine']), dest) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'elasticache_engines', self.to_safe("elasticache_" + cluster['Engine'])) # Inventory: Group by parameter group (done at cluster level) # Inventory: Group by replication group (done at cluster level) # Inventory: Group by ElastiCache Cluster if self.group_by_elasticache_cluster: self.push(self.inventory, self.to_safe("elasticache_cluster_" + cluster['CacheClusterId']), dest) # Global Tag: all ElastiCache nodes self.push(self.inventory, 'elasticache_nodes', dest) host_info = self.get_host_info_dict_from_describe_dict(node) if dest in self.inventory["_meta"]["hostvars"]: self.inventory["_meta"]["hostvars"][dest].update(host_info) else: self.inventory["_meta"]["hostvars"][dest] = host_info def add_elasticache_replication_group(self, replication_group, region): ''' Adds an ElastiCache replication group to the inventory and index ''' # Only want available clusters unless all_elasticache_replication_groups is True if not self.all_elasticache_replication_groups and replication_group['Status'] != 'available': return # Skip clusters we cannot address (e.g. private VPC subnet or clustered redis) if replication_group['NodeGroups'][0]['PrimaryEndpoint'] is None or \ replication_group['NodeGroups'][0]['PrimaryEndpoint']['Address'] is None: return # Select the best destination address (PrimaryEndpoint) dest = replication_group['NodeGroups'][0]['PrimaryEndpoint']['Address'] # Add to index self.index[dest] = [region, replication_group['ReplicationGroupId']] # Inventory: Group by ID (always a group of 1) if self.group_by_instance_id: self.inventory[replication_group['ReplicationGroupId']] = [dest] if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'instances', replication_group['ReplicationGroupId']) # Inventory: Group by region if self.group_by_region: self.push(self.inventory, region, dest) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'regions', region) # Inventory: Group by availability zone (doesn't apply to replication groups) # Inventory: Group by node type (doesn't apply to replication groups) # Inventory: Group by VPC (information not available in the current # AWS API version for replication groups # Inventory: Group by security group (doesn't apply to replication groups) # Check this value in cluster level # Inventory: Group by engine (replication groups are always Redis) if self.group_by_elasticache_engine: self.push(self.inventory, 'elasticache_redis', dest) if self.nested_groups: self.push_group(self.inventory, 'elasticache_engines', 'redis') # Global Tag: all ElastiCache clusters self.push(self.inventory, 'elasticache_replication_groups', replication_group['ReplicationGroupId']) host_info = self.get_host_info_dict_from_describe_dict(replication_group) self.inventory["_meta"]["hostvars"][dest] = host_info def get_route53_records(self): ''' Get and store the map of resource records to domain names that point to them. ''' if self.boto_profile: r53_conn = route53.Route53Connection(profile_name=self.boto_profile) else: r53_conn = route53.Route53Connection() all_zones = r53_conn.get_zones() route53_zones = [zone for zone in all_zones if zone.name[:-1] not in self.route53_excluded_zones] self.route53_records = {} for zone in route53_zones: rrsets = r53_conn.get_all_rrsets(zone.id) for record_set in rrsets: record_name = record_set.name if record_name.endswith('.'): record_name = record_name[:-1] for resource in record_set.resource_records: self.route53_records.setdefault(resource, set()) self.route53_records[resource].add(record_name) def get_instance_route53_names(self, instance): ''' Check if an instance is referenced in the records we have from Route53. If it is, return the list of domain names pointing to said instance. If nothing points to it, return an empty list. ''' instance_attributes = ['public_dns_name', 'private_dns_name', 'ip_address', 'private_ip_address'] name_list = set() for attrib in instance_attributes: try: value = getattr(instance, attrib) except AttributeError: continue if value in self.route53_records: name_list.update(self.route53_records[value]) return list(name_list) def get_host_info_dict_from_instance(self, instance): instance_vars = {} for key in vars(instance): value = getattr(instance, key) key = self.to_safe('ec2_' + key) # Handle complex types # state/previous_state changed to properties in boto in https://github.com/boto/boto/commit/a23c379837f698212252720d2af8dec0325c9518 if key == 'ec2__state': instance_vars['ec2_state'] = instance.state or '' instance_vars['ec2_state_code'] = instance.state_code elif key == 'ec2__previous_state': instance_vars['ec2_previous_state'] = instance.previous_state or '' instance_vars['ec2_previous_state_code'] = instance.previous_state_code elif isinstance(value, (int, bool)): instance_vars[key] = value elif isinstance(value, six.string_types): instance_vars[key] = value.strip() elif value is None: instance_vars[key] = '' elif key == 'ec2_region': instance_vars[key] = value.name elif key == 'ec2__placement': instance_vars['ec2_placement'] = value.zone elif key == 'ec2_tags': for k, v in value.items(): if self.expand_csv_tags and ',' in v: v = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), v.split(','))) key = self.to_safe('ec2_tag_' + k) instance_vars[key] = v elif key == 'ec2_groups': group_ids = [] group_names = [] for group in value: group_ids.append(group.id) group_names.append(group.name) instance_vars["ec2_security_group_ids"] = ','.join([str(i) for i in group_ids]) instance_vars["ec2_security_group_names"] = ','.join([str(i) for i in group_names]) elif key == 'ec2_block_device_mapping': instance_vars["ec2_block_devices"] = {} for k, v in value.items(): instance_vars["ec2_block_devices"][os.path.basename(k)] = v.volume_id else: pass # TODO Product codes if someone finds them useful # print key # print type(value) # print value instance_vars[self.to_safe('ec2_account_id')] = self.aws_account_id return instance_vars def get_host_info_dict_from_describe_dict(self, describe_dict): ''' Parses the dictionary returned by the API call into a flat list of parameters. This method should be used only when 'describe' is used directly because Boto doesn't provide specific classes. ''' # I really don't agree with prefixing everything with 'ec2' # because EC2, RDS and ElastiCache are different services. # I'm just following the pattern used until now to not break any # compatibility. host_info = {} for key in describe_dict: value = describe_dict[key] key = self.to_safe('ec2_' + self.uncammelize(key)) # Handle complex types # Target: Memcached Cache Clusters if key == 'ec2_configuration_endpoint' and value: host_info['ec2_configuration_endpoint_address'] = value['Address'] host_info['ec2_configuration_endpoint_port'] = value['Port'] # Target: Cache Nodes and Redis Cache Clusters (single node) if key == 'ec2_endpoint' and value: host_info['ec2_endpoint_address'] = value['Address'] host_info['ec2_endpoint_port'] = value['Port'] # Target: Redis Replication Groups if key == 'ec2_node_groups' and value: host_info['ec2_endpoint_address'] = value[0]['PrimaryEndpoint']['Address'] host_info['ec2_endpoint_port'] = value[0]['PrimaryEndpoint']['Port'] replica_count = 0 for node in value[0]['NodeGroupMembers']: if node['CurrentRole'] == 'primary': host_info['ec2_primary_cluster_address'] = node['ReadEndpoint']['Address'] host_info['ec2_primary_cluster_port'] = node['ReadEndpoint']['Port'] host_info['ec2_primary_cluster_id'] = node['CacheClusterId'] elif node['CurrentRole'] == 'replica': host_info['ec2_replica_cluster_address_' + str(replica_count)] = node['ReadEndpoint']['Address'] host_info['ec2_replica_cluster_port_' + str(replica_count)] = node['ReadEndpoint']['Port'] host_info['ec2_replica_cluster_id_' + str(replica_count)] = node['CacheClusterId'] replica_count += 1 # Target: Redis Replication Groups if key == 'ec2_member_clusters' and value: host_info['ec2_member_clusters'] = ','.join([str(i) for i in value]) # Target: All Cache Clusters elif key == 'ec2_cache_parameter_group': host_info["ec2_cache_node_ids_to_reboot"] = ','.join([str(i) for i in value['CacheNodeIdsToReboot']]) host_info['ec2_cache_parameter_group_name'] = value['CacheParameterGroupName'] host_info['ec2_cache_parameter_apply_status'] = value['ParameterApplyStatus'] # Target: Almost everything elif key == 'ec2_security_groups': # Skip if SecurityGroups is None # (it is possible to have the key defined but no value in it). if value is not None: sg_ids = [] for sg in value: sg_ids.append(sg['SecurityGroupId']) host_info["ec2_security_group_ids"] = ','.join([str(i) for i in sg_ids]) # Target: Everything # Preserve booleans and integers elif isinstance(value, (int, bool)): host_info[key] = value # Target: Everything # Sanitize string values elif isinstance(value, six.string_types): host_info[key] = value.strip() # Target: Everything # Replace None by an empty string elif value is None: host_info[key] = '' else: # Remove non-processed complex types pass return host_info def get_host_info(self): ''' Get variables about a specific host ''' if len(self.index) == 0: # Need to load index from cache self.load_index_from_cache() if self.args.host not in self.index: # try updating the cache self.do_api_calls_update_cache() if self.args.host not in self.index: # host might not exist anymore return self.json_format_dict({}, True) (region, instance_id) = self.index[self.args.host] instance = self.get_instance(region, instance_id) return self.json_format_dict(self.get_host_info_dict_from_instance(instance), True) def push(self, my_dict, key, element): ''' Push an element onto an array that may not have been defined in the dict ''' group_info = my_dict.setdefault(key, []) if isinstance(group_info, dict): host_list = group_info.setdefault('hosts', []) host_list.append(element) else: group_info.append(element) def push_group(self, my_dict, key, element): ''' Push a group as a child of another group. ''' parent_group = my_dict.setdefault(key, {}) if not isinstance(parent_group, dict): parent_group = my_dict[key] = {'hosts': parent_group} child_groups = parent_group.setdefault('children', []) if element not in child_groups: child_groups.append(element) def get_inventory_from_cache(self): ''' Reads the inventory from the cache file and returns it as a JSON object ''' with open(self.cache_path_cache, 'r') as f: json_inventory = f.read() return json_inventory def load_index_from_cache(self): ''' Reads the index from the cache file sets self.index ''' with open(self.cache_path_index, 'rb') as f: self.index = json.load(f) def write_to_cache(self, data, filename): ''' Writes data in JSON format to a file ''' json_data = self.json_format_dict(data, True) with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(json_data) def uncammelize(self, key): temp = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', key) return re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', temp).lower() def to_safe(self, word): ''' Converts 'bad' characters in a string to underscores so they can be used as Ansible groups ''' regex = r"[^A-Za-z0-9\_" if not self.replace_dash_in_groups: regex += r"\-" return re.sub(regex + "]", "_", word) def json_format_dict(self, data, pretty=False): ''' Converts a dict to a JSON object and dumps it as a formatted string ''' if pretty: return json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=2, default=self._json_serial) else: return json.dumps(data, default=self._json_serial) if __name__ == '__main__': # Run the script Ec2Inventory()
[ansible@ip-172-31-80-19 ~]$ vi ec2.ini
# Ansible EC2 external inventory script settings # [ec2] # to talk to a private eucalyptus instance uncomment these lines # and edit edit eucalyptus_host to be the host name of your cloud controller #eucalyptus = True #eucalyptus_host = clc.cloud.domain.org # AWS regions to make calls to. Set this to 'all' to make request to all regions # in AWS and merge the results together. Alternatively, set this to a comma # separated list of regions. E.g. 'us-east-1,us-west-1,us-west-2' and do not # provide the 'regions_exclude' option. If this is set to 'auto', AWS_REGION or # AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable will be read to determine the region. regions = all regions_exclude = us-gov-west-1, cn-north-1 # When generating inventory, Ansible needs to know how to address a server. # Each EC2 instance has a lot of variables associated with it. Here is the list: # http://docs.pythonboto.org/en/latest/ref/ec2.html#module-boto.ec2.instance # Below are 2 variables that are used as the address of a server: # - destination_variable # - vpc_destination_variable # This is the normal destination variable to use. If you are running Ansible # from outside EC2, then 'public_dns_name' makes the most sense. If you are # running Ansible from within EC2, then perhaps you want to use the internal # address, and should set this to 'private_dns_name'. The key of an EC2 tag # may optionally be used; however the boto instance variables hold precedence # in the event of a collision. destination_variable = public_dns_name # This allows you to override the inventory_name with an ec2 variable, instead # of using the destination_variable above. Addressing (aka ansible_ssh_host) # will still use destination_variable. Tags should be written as 'tag_TAGNAME'. #hostname_variable = tag_Name # For server inside a VPC, using DNS names may not make sense. When an instance # has 'subnet_id' set, this variable is used. If the subnet is public, setting # this to 'ip_address' will return the public IP address. For instances in a # private subnet, this should be set to 'private_ip_address', and Ansible must # be run from within EC2. The key of an EC2 tag may optionally be used; however # the boto instance variables hold precedence in the event of a collision. # WARNING: - instances that are in the private vpc, _without_ public ip address # will not be listed in the inventory until You set: # vpc_destination_variable = private_ip_address vpc_destination_variable = ip_address # The following two settings allow flexible ansible host naming based on a # python format string and a comma-separated list of ec2 tags. Note that: # # 1) If the tags referenced are not present for some instances, empty strings # will be substituted in the format string. # 2) This overrides both destination_variable and vpc_destination_variable. # #destination_format = {0}.{1}.example.com #destination_format_tags = Name,environment # To tag instances on EC2 with the resource records that point to them from # Route53, set 'route53' to True. route53 = False # To use Route53 records as the inventory hostnames, uncomment and set # to equal the domain name you wish to use. You must also have 'route53' (above) # set to True. # route53_hostnames = .example.com # To exclude RDS instances from the inventory, uncomment and set to False. #rds = False # To exclude ElastiCache instances from the inventory, uncomment and set to False. #elasticache = False # Additionally, you can specify the list of zones to exclude looking up in # 'route53_excluded_zones' as a comma-separated list. # route53_excluded_zones = samplezone1.com, samplezone2.com # By default, only EC2 instances in the 'running' state are returned. Set # 'all_instances' to True to return all instances regardless of state. all_instances = False # By default, only EC2 instances in the 'running' state are returned. Specify # EC2 instance states to return as a comma-separated list. This # option is overridden when 'all_instances' is True. # instance_states = pending, running, shutting-down, terminated, stopping, stopped # By default, only RDS instances in the 'available' state are returned. Set # 'all_rds_instances' to True return all RDS instances regardless of state. all_rds_instances = False # Include RDS cluster information (Aurora etc.) include_rds_clusters = False # By default, only ElastiCache clusters and nodes in the 'available' state # are returned. Set 'all_elasticache_clusters' and/or 'all_elastic_nodes' # to True return all ElastiCache clusters and nodes, regardless of state. # # Note that all_elasticache_nodes only applies to listed clusters. That means # if you set all_elastic_clusters to false, no node will be return from # unavailable clusters, regardless of the state and to what you set for # all_elasticache_nodes. all_elasticache_replication_groups = False all_elasticache_clusters = False all_elasticache_nodes = False # API calls to EC2 are slow. For this reason, we cache the results of an API # call. Set this to the path you want cache files to be written to. Two files # will be written to this directory: # - ansible-ec2.cache # - ansible-ec2.index cache_path = ~/.ansible/tmp # The number of seconds a cache file is considered valid. After this many # seconds, a new API call will be made, and the cache file will be updated. # To disable the cache, set this value to 0 cache_max_age = 300 # Organize groups into a nested/hierarchy instead of a flat namespace. nested_groups = False # Replace - tags when creating groups to avoid issues with ansible replace_dash_in_groups = True # If set to true, any tag of the form "a,b,c" is expanded into a list # and the results are used to create additional tag_* inventory groups. expand_csv_tags = False # The EC2 inventory output can become very large. To manage its size, # configure which groups should be created. group_by_instance_id = True group_by_region = True group_by_availability_zone = True group_by_aws_account = False group_by_ami_id = True group_by_instance_type = True group_by_instance_state = False group_by_platform = True group_by_key_pair = True group_by_vpc_id = True group_by_security_group = True group_by_tag_keys = True group_by_tag_none = True group_by_route53_names = True group_by_rds_engine = True group_by_rds_parameter_group = True group_by_elasticache_engine = True group_by_elasticache_cluster = True group_by_elasticache_parameter_group = True group_by_elasticache_replication_group = True # If you only want to include hosts that match a certain regular expression # pattern_include = staging-* # If you want to exclude any hosts that match a certain regular expression # pattern_exclude = staging-* # Instance filters can be used to control which instances are retrieved for # inventory. For the full list of possible filters, please read the EC2 API # docs: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/ApiReference-query-DescribeInstances.html#query-DescribeInstances-filters # Filters are key/value pairs separated by '=', to list multiple filters use # a list separated by commas. To "AND" criteria together, use "&". Note that # the "AND" is not useful along with stack_filters and so such usage is not allowed. # See examples below. # If you want to apply multiple filters simultaneously, set stack_filters to # True. Default behaviour is to combine the results of all filters. Stacking # allows the use of multiple conditions to filter down, for example by # environment and type of host. stack_filters = False # Retrieve only instances with (key=value) env=staging tag # instance_filters = tag:env=staging # Retrieve only instances with role=webservers OR role=dbservers tag # instance_filters = tag:role=webservers,tag:role=dbservers # Retrieve only t1.micro instances OR instances with tag env=staging # instance_filters = instance-type=t1.micro,tag:env=staging # You can use wildcards in filter values also. Below will list instances which # tag Name value matches webservers1* # (ex. webservers15, webservers1a, webservers123 etc) # instance_filters = tag:Name=webservers1* # Retrieve only instances of type t1.micro that also have tag env=stage # instance_filters = instance-type=t1.micro&tag:env=stage # Retrieve instances of type t1.micro AND tag env=stage, as well as any instance # that are of type m3.large, regardless of env tag # instance_filters = instance-type=t1.micro&tag:env=stage,instance-type=m3.large # An IAM role can be assumed, so all requests are run as that role. # This can be useful for connecting across different accounts, or to limit user # access # iam_role = role-arn # A boto configuration profile may be used to separate out credentials # see https://boto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/boto_config_tut.html # boto_profile = some-boto-profile-name [credentials] # The AWS credentials can optionally be specified here. Credentials specified # here are ignored if the environment variable AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID or # AWS_PROFILE is set, or if the boto_profile property above is set. # # Supplying AWS credentials here is not recommended, as it introduces # non-trivial security concerns. When going down this route, please make sure # to set access permissions for this file correctly, e.g. handle it the same # way as you would a private SSH key. # # Unlike the boto and AWS configure files, this section does not support # profiles. # # aws_access_key_id = AXXXXXXXXXXXXXX # aws_secret_access_key = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX # aws_security_token = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX======================================================================================
3. add executing permissions to ec2.py script
[ansible@ip-172-31-80-19 ~]$ chmod 755 ec2.py
4. now test it
if you get error during run then do below then run
[ansible@ip-172-31-80-19 ~]$ vi ec2.ini
# To exclude ElastiCache instances from the inventory, uncomment and set to False.
elasticache = False ----uncommant this line
now run it
[ansible@ip-172-31-80-19 ~]$ ./ec2.py --list
5. List out servers which are running on ap-south-1a AZ
[ansible@ip-172-31-80-19 ~]$ ansible -i ec2.py ap-south-1a --list-hosts
I have read this post. collection of post is a nice one..!!
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